Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Significant Issues On Hog Farms

By Lianne Derocco

Managing a hog farm is a tough business, and the hog farmer must pay close attention to many aspects of farming in order to keep animals healthy, avoid common hog issues and to maximize profits. Here are just a few of the issues with which many hog farmers must contend and a few helpful solutions.

Sows are typically docile animals particularly when they are put out into the wild and have only each other to be with. However the case is not the same when there are many of them raised in large hog farms where you will sometimes see them become aggressive especially come feeding time, especially if the animals are not familiar with each other. And so from this we can draw a general thought - that sows become aggressive when they feel that they might have to compete for food with other animals with which they don't know well.

In order to address this type of aggressiveness, you can group together the ones who have been previously housed together during one stage of development. Should you find it necessary to add new sows to ones you have grouped together you need to make them at least 10% of the total sow population in the farm. This is for the reason that new sows in obviously small numbers are likely targets to the larger population of sows. It is also going to be a smart move for farmers to group together the sows in accordance to their behaviors such that the active ones is mixed with the more passive ones.

Another relevant task to attend to as a livestock farmer is keeping at bay clean water but stocking it in tanks is not always easy to keep it clean and fresh. Of course it appears impossible to wash out stock tanks daily which signal you to check out a natural product which helps keep water fresh - like Healthy Ponds Stock Tank Cleaner. You can be assured that veterinarians approve this as it uses natural bacteria to eat away at organic solids polluting your stock tanks. You can add the dispenser containing the biodegradable bacteria pack directly unto a clean stock tank. For a good 30 days it will keep your tank water fresh then after which you can dispense of it and simply refill with a new pack.

Agricultural waste issues are also something with which farmers must contend, and you will often find that organic waste solids are creating a pesky sludge layer on the bottom of your waste lagoon or waste pit. Sometimes crusting also forms on the top of the waste, as well. These issues also can be dealt with using products that contain natural bacterial microbes to eat away at solids and liquefy waste.

Activator Plus may just be what you need in order to solve a thick top-level crust. This product is easy to use; you simply saturate the crust with water, and then sprinkle the Activator Plus over the waste. It will begin eating away at the solids immediately. To prevent crusts and sludge from getting started, use a natural product such as Agra Sphere throughout the year. This particular agricultural waste product is biodegradable and uses beneficial bacteria able to prevent sludge build-up, foaming and crusting, along with the reduction of foul smell and flies carrying diseases harmful to hogs.

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